Category: Metta Events

Let’s Go Shopping!
– A Field Trip to a Supermarket – A field trip is a visit to an area outside the usual classroom where children can try

Chinnese New Year Celebration
Hundreds of Metta Schools students and teachers attended the Chinese New Year event in the Oval Atrium Ciputra World, Gunung Sari, Kecamatan Dukuhpakis, Surabaya. The

Kunjungan ke Pangkalan TNI Angkatan Laut – Tanjung Perak Surabaya
Kegiatan Field Trip diadakan di bulan November dalam rangka merayakan hari Pahlawan. Sebutan kota Surabaya sebagai kota Pahlawan erat kaitannya dengan sejarah pertempuran yang terjadi

Little Chef in Action
Field trips are very important student activities outside of school to give students more ‘real-world’ experiences. It has always been an exciting experience for Metta

Independence Day 2022
By: Yunita Setyani The theme of our Independence Day this year is “Pulih Lebih Cepat Bangkit Lebih Kuat”, inspired by Indonesian citizens’ spirit to fight

Festival Budaya: Bulan Bahasa dan Sumpah Pemuda
Oleh: Tim Redaksi Panitia Festival Budaya SDS Metta SDS Metta turut memeriahkan peringatan hari Sumpah Pemuda dan Bulan Bahasa yang ke-94 dengan mengusung tema Festival