Computer in Early Childhood


By: Mr. Steven

A computer can help children learn and should be used reflectively by both children and their teachers. According to Haugland, 1PP, Simulations are models of some parts of the world. Games such as “Life” and “Monopoly” are simulations. Computer simulations are mathematical models based on real-world information which attempt to respond in realistic ways. Simulations should not replace a valuable hands-on activity with an unnecessarily vicarious and abstract one.

A computer is something fun that we can use for playing, learning, exploring, saving data, and many more. Students from the Kindergarten level learn about counting, exploring, knowing colors, and many more during computer lessons.
Of course, the first thing they need to know is how they operate the computer, such as how to use a mouse, click on the object, and operate the program “game”
By using the PBS Kids program, Kindergarten students will learn many things. They can use their skills in their daily life.

Here is the example:
“Dino Drink”

Dino Drink is one of the educational games that make children enjoy it, It is because

  1. Colorful
    This game has many colors on every single level when we play on it.
  2. Compatible
    This game is compatible with 3 OS (operating systems) such as Android, iOS, Windows.
  3. Easy
    The level used in this game is designed for kids. That’s why they can play this game easily.
    Moreover, playing this game, there are several values on it such as helping each other, solving the problem, and how to be patient.

The purpose of playing this game is that students can enrich their knowledge about something around them, train their motor skills, develop their creativity, do the measuring, help each other, solve the problem, and also know many objects. Parents no need to worry when their kids find something difficult on playing this game from the PBS kids platform. It is because, from this game platform, there is an example of how to play this game so that kids can understand how to play this game well.

Besides, giving Computer lessons in early childhood can make Kindergarten students able to play, learn, explore, save the data, and many more; it also gives them something good in the future that we call unlimited knowledge when they are in upper-grade level.

Douglas H. Clements & Julie Sarama. (2008). Teaching with computers in early childhood education: Strategies and professional development. Accessed 11 March 2022, from

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