By: Mr. Steven
ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) is part of the children’s world today and it is relevant in developing different types of skills children need in their lives. The benefits of ICT in Early Childhood Education are:
Fine motor skills
Fine motor skills are the small movements that occur in the hands, wrists, fingers, toes, lips and the tongue. By learning ICT, children will develop fine motor skills to accurately control the mouse, clicking and dragging a cursor to select or highlight items of texts.
Creative development
In this part, learning ICT will help children to employ imaginative thinking thereby developing their creativity. Here, children will play around with colours and graphics, dragging and dropping items onto the screen.
Mathematical development
The use of ICT has a great impact on how mathematics can be taught to children. for example, counting images or icons on the home screen will assist develop early mathematical skills like numbers, shapes, size, quantity and patterns.
Language development
ICT can develop an integrated, holistic and valid approach which will encourage children to develop their language. Such skills as listening, memory, expressing thoughts, ideas and feelings are gained. Children develop awareness that printed words have meaning. Children are able to use the key board to write simple words and their names.
Increase in world knowledge
Children have to appreciate that modern technology is around to stay so be able to use the sense of investigation and exploration to develop their skills of observing.
At Metta School, we provide Computer lessons since Kindergarten. They learn a lot in Computer lessons through the games, paint program, etc. What they get is in accordance with the benefits we have mentioned above.